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Build & Design

Welcome to Sanjraai – Peaceful, everyday co-living for senior citizen in the lap of nature

Sanjraai is a housing project for senior citizens where we help elderly people settle in affordable living and provide all facilities to simplify their lives and bring happiness in their sunset years. Sanjraai literally means nature at sunset.

Sanjraai is based on a new concept of “Community Living” or Co-living. Co-living is a new way for proud people to ‘live in’ focused majorly on specific community and their convenience. It is a modern form of housing where residents share living space and a set of interests, values, and/or intentions and integrity.

The right to live a fully integrated life by combining things or ideas of different types in one effective unit, group, or system but within the community forms the base of this new concept by millennial generation.

We at Sanjraai believe that if you are surrounded by like-minded individuals with similar interests you would generate a positive energy and joyous environment, ultimately resulting in better living conditions and merrier lifestyle.

सांजराई हा ज्येष्ठ नागरिकांसाठी एक गृहनिर्माण प्रकल्प आहे जिथे आम्ही वृद्ध लोकांना परवडणाऱ्या जीवनात स्थायिक होण्यास मदत करतो आणि त्यांचे जीवन सुलभ करण्यासाठी आणि त्यांच्या सूर्यास्ताच्या वर्षांत आनंद आणण्यासाठी सर्व सुविधा प्रदान करतो. 

सांजराई “कम्युनिटी लिव्हिंग” किंवा को-लिव्हिंग या नवीन संकल्पनेवर आधारित आहे. को-लिव्हिंग हा अभिमानी लोकांसाठी ‘लिव्ह इन’ करण्याचा एक नवीन मार्ग आहे जो मुख्यतः विशिष्ट समुदाय आणि त्यांच्या सोयींवर केंद्रित आहे. हे घरांचे एक आधुनिक स्वरूप आहे जेथे रहिवासी राहण्याची जागा आणि स्वारस्ये, मूल्ये आणि/किंवा हेतू आणि अखंडतेचा संच सामायिक करतात.

विविध प्रकारच्या गोष्टी किंवा कल्पना एका प्रभावी घटकात, गटात किंवा व्यवस्थेत एकत्रित करून पूर्णतः एकात्मिक जीवन जगण्याचा अधिकार, परंतु समुदायामध्ये हजारो वर्षांच्या पिढीद्वारे या नवीन संकल्पनेचा आधार बनतो.

संजराई येथे आमचा असा विश्वास आहे की जर तुमच्याभोवती समान आवडी असलेल्या समविचारी व्यक्ती असतील तर तुम्ही सकारात्मक ऊर्जा आणि आनंदी वातावरण निर्माण कराल, ज्यामुळे शेवटी उत्तम राहणीमान आणि आनंददायी जीवनशैली मिळेल.

Cluster Plans

Cluster homes

cluster house,  is a unique type of private property that is structured in groups relatively close to each other, often taking on the form of terraced homes, semi-detached homes or sometimes bungalows
cluster houses are a development where the homes are built close together within a gated community.
The benefits of living in a cluster home are abundant. Some of them include exclusivity and access to shared facilities, security, family-friendliness, affordability and the potential return on investment.

Studio Apartment Plans

studio apartments

A studio apartment is an excellent choice for someone who lives alone, is looking to save money on rent, and appreciates an open, airy living space.

Studio apartments also need less furniture to feel “complete,” so they’re ideal for as costsaving apartment.

A studio apartment meaning is usually used to denote a small space with an open floor plan. It consists of a single room that combines the bedroom, living room and kitchen space with an attached bathroom. These are small spaces but they do not lack amenities. 
Small families looking for an affordable home can also consider moving into one of these.

What is community living (co-living)

Co-living is a new way for people to ‘live in’ focused majorly on specific community and their convenience. It is a modern form of housing where residents share living space and a set of interests, values, and/or intentions.  
The right to live a fully integrated life by combining things or ideas of different types in one effective unit, group, or system but within the community forms the base of this new concept by millennial generation.

What is Senior citizens community living?

Senior community living is basically housing, for citizens who have surpassed 55 years of age; yet are active and self-reliant and may or may not require succour services. Provisions are made in the form of convenient design features for seniors, access to adequate social schemes and other carefully devised suitable services.

If we see around, most of the senior citizens live in a community which provides them minimal social contact , support limited upto few acquaintances and are often made responsible to look after their own requirements of all sorts.

This need may cause frequent known/ unknown, pleasant or unpleasant contacts with other parties; which may lead to troublesome circumstances and prove a detrimental aspect to the physical and mental well-being of senior citizens in the long run.

Also, senior citizens in regards to their age associated lifestyle changes may feel misfit in the ever increasingly fast citylife culture.

The idea of ‘Senior community living’  and the numerous provisions provided through it, act as relevant solution to the concerns raised above.

This is still a relatively new concept in our country and not that ubiquitous.


Modern Living

We are committed to provide a cosy, enjoyable living with nice surroundings, beautiful interiors and modern amenities such as WiFi.

It is like living in a suburb for the amenities and in the nature for the living. Cleanliness is at the core of our services and your integrity is our ethos.


Our mind feels at peace when we pray and believe in God. A beautiful temple is being built up to give you an inner calm and peace. Listen and read the Bhagwad Geeta, Dynaneshwari and many holy books and increase and share your wisdom with others.

Live a blissful and blessed life. You can become a part in the community where you can choose to make pooja at the temple sometimes as a service as well.


We will conduct regular activities like yoga, exercises, arrange get-togethers, picnics to make you feel elated always.

Celebrate festivals, events, birthdays, anniversaries etc., with new friends and live with dignity, self confidence all year round.

Fun filled excitement everyday awaits you at Sanjraai.

Gated Community

The community is covered with fences and well protected all the time.

Access to the premises is restricted to the members, acquaintances of members, workers and utility staff.

Laugh, Enjoy and be happy to be a part of a gated and loved community and live with happiness.

Cattle Shed (Goshala)

Cow is considered our Mother in Hindu Culture and we pray to her for our well being and prosperity.

We at Sanjraai have a cattle shed where you can spend time with cows everyday and also enjoy the pure milk, butter, ghee, buttermilk in your everyday food.

Relish unadulterated and chemical free dairy products.

Community Kitchen

Healthy, nutritious and tasty meals will be provided from morning till night while taking care of all your food habits, likes and dislikes, medical priorities etc.

You can plant vegetables and herbs and work in the garden. Grow your own vegetables and eat them too!


A well organized library filled with a plethora of books to choose from ranging from knowledge, motivation, religious, spiritual stories etc to sharpen your mind and keep you busy is being built up.

Enjoy reading at your will.


All your medical needs are taken care at Sanjraai. Sanjraai offers regular Medical Checkups every year.

Doctors, Nurses, Physiotherapist, Ambulance, Emergency treatments all avaialable at fingertips.

Senior community living is basically housing for citizens who have surpassed 55 years of age, yet are active, self-reliant and may or may not require assistance. Provisions are made in the form of convenient design features for seniors, access to adequate social schemes and other carefully devised suitable services.

If we see around, most of the senior citizens live in a community which provides them minimal social contact, support limited acquaintances and are often made responsible to look after their own requirements of all sorts. This need may cause frequent known/ unknown, pleasant or unpleasant contacts with other parties; which may lead to troublesome circumstances and prove a detrimental aspect to the physical and mental well-being of senior citizens in the long run.

Also, senior citizens in regards to their age associated lifestyle changes may feel misfit in the ever increasingly fast city-life culture. The idea of Senior community living and the numerous provisions provided through it, act as relevant solution to the concerns raised above. This is still a relatively new concept in our country and not that ubiquitous.



Sanjraai, Devghar Gaon, Takula Guhagar, District Ratnagiri.

Maharashtra – 415 702 

Phone –
(+91) 99679 65219
(+91) 98202 23644